Cogito ergo non sum git

translation: “I think, therefore, I am not a git” It has now been almost 10 months since I’ve been consistently using git with, so I thought I would share my top pointers and lessons that have helped enhance my git experience so that you do not become a git when using git. The lessons are organized by these categories: speed up your work, find a workflow, debugging tips, and tips for early beginners. Speed up your work (0) Simplify Login: If you have typed in your username and password too many times and are ready for a change, use password caching and ssh. Password Caching with timeout of 3 years (or until you restart your OS): $ git config –global [YOUR_NAME] $ git config –global [YOUR_EMAIL] $ git config –global credential.helper ‘cache –timeout=99999999’ If you would like to manually perform these steps, simply add the following code […]

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github ssh protocol & https password caching

This post has information on how to establish ssh (secure shell) protocol and how to set up caching your password with https protocol for working with I gathered this information to help myself in my first week of class at bootcamp School in San Francisco in my beginning stages as a Software Engineering student. I was tired of repeatedly entering my username and password for working with github from inside my virtual machine using vagrant, virtual box and ubuntu. So I followed these steps myself, and found that other’s needed help with this process because github’s tutorial / help pages were incomplete; each step is explained on separate URLs. Therefore, I decided to merge all the steps and add some of my own tips from what worked for me, including tips about how to quickly re-add your SSH key to the SSH agent in the event that you are […]

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