what the f*Lib.a?

:C language libraries, part 1, static librariescompiler: gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4environment: vagrant virtual machine with linux 14.04.5 LTS for Ubuntulanguage: C languageHave you been learning C language and using #include <stdio.h> and have no idea what is happening with that? If so, then this post is for you! I will be discussing C language static libraries, why to use libraries, how they work, how to create them, and how to use them. For background information on the subject, it’s helpful to understand what happens when C language files are compiled; for more information  on that, check out my other blog post: Computer Compilers: brief introduction, which helps to explain how the gcc compiler works. As this is the first blog of a two part series, please refer to my other post on libraries: what the f*Lib.so? for more on dynamic libraries.In the above referenced post on computer compilers, you will see that during the gcc compiling process, the […]

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github ssh protocol & https password caching

This post has information on how to establish ssh (secure shell) protocol and how to set up caching your password with https protocol for working with github.com. I gathered this information to help myself in my first week of class at bootcamp School in San Francisco in my beginning stages as a Software Engineering student. I was tired of repeatedly entering my username and password for working with github from inside my virtual machine using vagrant, virtual box and ubuntu. So I followed these steps myself, and found that other’s needed help with this process because github’s tutorial / help pages were incomplete; each step is explained on separate URLs. Therefore, I decided to merge all the steps and add some of my own tips from what worked for me, including tips about how to quickly re-add your SSH key to the SSH agent in the event that you are […]

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